
Planned work on fiber links 19.01.2011 and 20.01.2011

Work on fiber links will result in short duration interruptions on many ADSL, VDSL, SDSL links during the period of 19.01.2010-23:00 to 20.01.2010-04:00 and as well 20.01.2010-23:00 to 21.01.2010-04:00. We ask anyone experiencing problems after the work finishes to please reboot/restart their modems/routers.

Academic users

UniBern, FHBern, PHBern and nearly all Swiss academic institutions can now surf gratis, at very high speeds and without being logged out every 30 minutes.

If your institution is a a member of the PWLAN project of SWITCHmobile then you can partake in this fast and free service.

What to do if you want to use this fast service but you are not sure how to? Contact your institution and ask to get a gratis switchmobile VPN service. Check SWITCHmobile for more details.

Langendorf wlan@thenet:DONE

Wegen Technischen Anderungen wird wlan@thenet von 1. bis 9. Mai ausser Betrieb!

DNS & mail server upgrade, 14th Apr 2008:DONE

We will upgrade our DNS and mail server reachable at lila.thenet.ch (mail.thenet.ch) Monday 14th Apr. Report please any problems with DNS or e-mail to helpdesk@thenet.ch. We will inform you as soon as the upgrade si done.

  TheNet operations team 

Server maintenance, 7. April 2008:DONE

For 7th April 2008, between 19:30-20:30 server maintenance is planned. No outage is expected, backup path should come in place.

Frohe Weihnachten von TheNet

Sehr geehrte Kundinnen und Kunden Wir möchten Sie darüber informieren, dass wir über die kommenden Festtage (22. Dezember bis 6. Januar 2008), folgende Dienstleistungen reduziert anbieten: - unser Sales-Abteilung ist geschlossen. Wir verarbeiten neue Bestellungen wieder ab dem 7. Januar - unser Helpdesk ist für Sie verfügbar und hilft Ihnen bei der Lösung von Problemen. Die Implementierung von Erweiterungen/Upgrades, usw. wird allerdings erst wieder nach dem 7. Januar vorgenommen.

Webmail server maintenance:DONE

On Wednesday, 12th December 2007, between 17:30 and 18:30, Webmail server will be under maintenance.

wlan@thenet problem in Holligen:DONE

Since today morning we are experiencing problem with wlan@thenet in Holligen. We are intensively working on it.

AAA server upgrade:DONE

On Wednesday Jun 6 07:00:00 CEST we are planning upgrade of AAA server. There there will be global outage of WLAN@THENET service. Upgrade should be finished before 10:00:00 CEST. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Swisscom maintenance:DONE

Because of swisscom network maintenance there could be connectivity problems on ADSL and SDSL connections today until 12 o'clock.